What length of hair looks best on you for guys

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Hey so I just decided to make a quiz that told you guys what hairstyle would look best on you. I hope you enjoy it and umm...good luck I guess? Well anyway have fun. I would like to add, that when I took the quiz, I look better with longer hair. So anyway have fun taking the quiz!

There are five different results, describing different lengths of hair. Find out which one is right for you.

Created by: Erik
  1. What is your hair color?
  2. What is your hair type?
  3. How would you describe your body?
  4. What is your face type?
  5. What is your skin color?
  6. How would you describe your facial hair?
  7. How much do you wash your hair?
  8. What is your ideal t shirt?
  9. If you had long hair, how would you present it?
  10. If you had long hair, how would you present it?
  11. Do you have bright eyes?
  12. Do people like it when your hair is longer?
  13. Do you look good with a shaved head
  14. Do you look good with short hair?
  15. Do you look good with neck length hair?
  16. Do you look good with shoulder length hair?
  17. Do you look good with hair that is longer than shoulder length?
  18. Do you look like a bum?
  19. Do girls think you're hot? This does not affect the question
  20. Final question, did you like this quiz

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