What Lego Mario character are you?

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Welcome to what lego mario character are you! You will have questions that asks you favorite things, emotions, and what you are. I hope you get what you wanted to be!

Other quiz's I have made is Darato Uzumaki quiz, and What is best for america quiz. They are other quiz's that tests your knowledge player! I hope you do well on the other ones! bye!

Created by: Seth
  1. What is your favorite food?
  2. What girl would you marry?
  3. What boy would you marry?
  4. What are you?
  5. What emotions do you have?
  6. What is your favorite power up?
  7. What is your favorite lego mario set?
  8. What is your favorite boss?
  9. What is your favorite landscape?
  10. What is your fav koopaling?

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Quiz topic: What Lego Mario character am I?
