What legendary pokemon are you

I'm pretty sure we all wondered once in our lifetime what kind of pokemon we would be if we were one. Some pick starter pokemon. Some pick fairy pokemon. Some pick meowth (Just me?).

But we shall not guess yet until the end of this quiz. This is the quiz to find out the pokemon inside you. It could be so relatable you collapse to the ground and wake up as a pokemon. What pokemon would you be... if you were one.

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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Someone threatens to beat you up. What do you do?
  2. What do you intend on doing in the future?
  3. What would be a fun summer break activity to you?
  4. Someone breaks into your house. Choose your plan of action.
  5. If you were to destroy a city, how would you do it?
  6. Which of these are good will you press the button scenarios?
  7. If these were real pets which one would you have?
  8. Weapons.
  9. If you had to experience being outside on one of these kinds of days, what would it be?
  10. Which disaster do you think is the coolest?
  11. Describe your personality.
  12. What is your favourite type of tv show/movie/channel

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Quiz topic: What legendary pokemon am I