What Kinesis Were You Born With

this quiz is testing and trying to see what you kinesis is what physcle abillity you have and this tells you if you wanna know what it is if you are a really want to know person

i created this for people who need it who wants to know what kinesis they have to survive if your geting bulled or laguhed at speak up and if constants then its time to take ation

Created by: Jeramya Nelson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats Your Favorite Color?
  2. What is you favorite music genere?
  3. If a Bully and his/HER 5 boy/girl group came up to you and said "hey ,b----! you about to get stomped! what will you do!
  4. If your WORST ENEMY! was in a car and you were walking in the street and they came face to face to you about to hit you they are going 200 miles per hour and there half way what would you do?
  5. how would you use your kinesis
  6. How are you planning on using you kinesis once youv masterd it?
  7. did you enjoy this quiz?
  8. Will you invite friends or family to come see what there kinesis is?
  9. are you ready to see your kinesis then gonna study it?
  10. Are you gonna make a quiz after of take anothe one?

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