What Kind of Sinner Are You? | Comments

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  • Old testament sinner,sounds about right sense I actually do dispise god alot but still believe in the afterlife. I just gave up on hope with god due to feeling like they don't help and make life to unfair such as killing innocent animals for example but to each is own. Cool quiz anyways though.

    • God loves you so much that he would have sent his only son Jesus to die for you even if you were the only person in this world. And in Psalms it says that God thinks about you more than the amount of grains of sand in the world.

  • Your Result: Karma Sinner 80%

    You sin only when it will not hurt your advancement. You will sin to help others, which will ultimately benefit you. You are not a perfect person because you will get wild every now and then, but you do not see this as a bad thing. When you think you have an abundance of karma saved up, you will spend some of it to take the edge off of life.

    40% Old Testament Sinner
    40% Ignorant Sinner
    20% New Testament Sinner
    20% Self Destructive Sinner
    0% Evil Sinner
    im an atheist took this for fun lol

    • I got the same and Im also an atheist lol


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