What kind of parent are you?

if you are a parent or want to be but aren't sure if you'd be good or not this quiz will help you find out. are you good at parenting? do you like kids?

all this matters when it comes to having kids you want to be in a stable environment and have ALOT of patients its okay to get upset once in a while but all the time may not be the best choice. just answer TRUTHFULLY

Created by: Shelby
  1. Your daughter comes home and is hiding her bookbag from you, you later find out she got a note from her teacher saying she got an F on her test what do you say to her
  2. You and Your son go to the park and he sees an icecream store. he asks and you say no. he then throws a fit and says he hates you ...you..
  3. Your teenager daughter tells you she's pregnant you...
  4. A cop knocks on your door and says your teenager son is in jail for drunk driving you...
  5. You're toddler just had its first day of preschool your proud of them and when you pick them up their teacher tells you they hit a few kids and threw a huge tantrum what do you do?
  6. its 10 and you've told your son many times he needs to go to bed cause he has school the next day. he throws a fit and says that its not fair he has to go to bed and you dont
  7. your 16 year old daughter is getting married what do you feel about the situation
  8. Do you think you are or could be a good parent?
  9. DO you like kids?
  10. did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What kind of parent am I?