What kind of girl would you be | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of girl would you be.

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  • Your result: Nerd girl

    You are very clever and always receive good grades. You aren't populare but have Several very good freinds. You almost never wear makeup and are always doing science experiments.

    Wha t do you say if I gt witch girl?


  • Tomboy? Like hell so hatting this

    Zo Martin
  • Your Result: Lonely girl 74%

    You aren't the most popular person in the world and are not extremely pretty although you have 1/2 good friends you never wear make up and stay in the library at break.

    Pretty Accurate...

  • Your Result: Funny girl 89%

    You are blonde but not super hot you always make everyone laugh and wear pink some boys like you but your not super popular. you like boys and some of tteachershes like you .

  • this is inacurate I hate sports. I'm confused. I fit more in the lonely catagory.


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