What kind of friend are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of friend are you?

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  • Your results: You are a caring, loving, and outstanding friend.

    Thank you so much! I'm actually the alpha of my group, though, and I'm often called the "loyal" one. But sometimes I'll be aggressive when somebody messes with my friends... But we all have our own flaws! Once again, thank you!

    • omg me to im alpha and everything else u sed

      magik wolf
  • What kind of friend are you?

    Your Result: You are a caring, loving, and outstanding friend

    This is the best type of friend you can have. You love and care about your friends deeply and when they're sad, you're sad too. You are always available in any situation and you often times do the right thing. You cherish your friends deeply and sometimes people might think you open your heart too much. But you are genuine, nice, kind, loving, caring, and always available for a hug. You always support your friends through good and bad times, knowing the right words to say to make them feel comforted, and are always inquiring about their lives. This type of friend is rare to find, as you would do anything to help your friends out in any given situation. You put your friends first before yourself and others quite frequently let you know how good of a friend you are. The world needs more people like you, so keep doing a great job! But be careful as to who you become friends with as sometimes such caring people like you are mistreated and are often taken for granted.

    You are a caring and loving friend
    You are a fun friend
    You are an okay friend
    You are a bad friend

    Aw thank you. I am a really shy person, but i have to VERY good friends. They are both my BFF's. And we've known each other for eight years now.


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