What Kind of Fairy Are You? | Comments

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  • What Kind of Fairy Are You?
    Your Result: Invisible Fairy

    Not too many people know about you because you're the most reclusive of all fairies. You're rarely if ever spotted, which is a shame, because you're quite easy on the eyes and you have a sweet disposition. Your wings -- well, they're invisible. You have an affinity for solitude but you secretly crave interaction. You're just too shy to do anything about it. You flit around the world on the edges of society, doing secret good deeds and reading a lot of books

  • Your Result: Darkling Fairy

    You don't like the sun, you don't like puppies and kittens, you don't like sugar and spice. Your wings are the wings of a bat, and you have an affinity for things like motorcycles, back alleys, tattoo parlors, bars, and stores that sell very large boots. You love music in most of its forms, especially if it sounds good loud. Your favorite colors are black, black, dark purple, navy, black and a little red for variety.

  • yay! airy fairy! oh jeez now i have a headache...

  • great quiz!

  • airy fairy, sound just like me. Great quiz.

  • airy fairy, sound just like me. G


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