What kind of Christian are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What kind of Christian are you?

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  • Several questions had no answer as far as Catholics are concerned

    As a baptised person, the Pope is a Christian (though not necessarily saved)(and, yes, I know you disagree about whether or not he is a Christian). His courtesy title is "The Holy Father".

    Baptism question unanswerable

    Comments on the results are disrespectful to Catholics

  • this was obviously a very directed quiz with a preconceived notion of how certain answers would drive the interview. i consider myself a progressive and realize that much of the bible has been influenced, for good or ill, by human hands. i also believe that there is absolutely no single act, or group of acts that can asure our salvation. God's sacrifice on the cross forever sealed our covenant, and regardless of how many good acts i do in this life, there is nothing that i could ever do to deserve the grace that God has given freely. yet your survey makes me a literalist. and then by being a literalist i am that much more of a christian than the other religions you list? open your mind - read some rob bell.

  • There a couple questions that need work. A concordance is a study tool normally found in the rear of a bible but in no way considered part of the Holy Scriptures. No option could be used to accurately answer that question.

    Also, for me there was no reasonable option to express how I feel about the pope.

    The survey wrongly suggests I place very little importance on God's grace being involved in my salvation. Nothing could be farther from the truth.


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