what kind of anime person are you? ^.^

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this is a quiz about how kawaii you are don't base your life of this quiz because after all its just a quiz, so have fun and don't forget to check out my other quizzes that i made/ or am making hope you enjoyed ^^

STAY KAWAII MY LITTLE HUMANS #love kawaii~chan, aphmau, aaron, zane, dante, garoth, ketlen, and travic :P #have a kawaii day my friends( idk what else to write lol ???)

Created by: lilly
  1. yay you clicked on my quiz ^^ thx for clicking im so happy anyway heres your first question :P are you kawaii enough for this quiz?
  2. NEXT!! what is your fave character from my street? (if you don't know chooseanswer 1) :)
  3. QUESTION 3!!what is your personality like?
  4. and the last question DID YOU LIKE MY QUIZ!!! ^b^
  5. do you like anime
  6. whats your fave color( # meh random questions )
  7. do you enjoy life ? ( wtf am i writing)
  8. whats your fave sweet
  9. pick a face that describes you
  10. LAST QUESTION ^^would you rather ship kawaii~chan and zane (zane~chan is the ship name) or kaitlyn ant travis( no ship name)

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Quiz topic: What kind of anime person am I? ^.^

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