What is your Wolf name?

This quiz is AWESOME, have a go at my quiz to find out your Wolf name. I hope you enjoy my quiz and I hope you like your Wolf name and comment on this quiz what your favourite question was.

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Created by: Caroline Hodgkiss
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What meat would you choose?
  2. What job in a Wolf pack would you prefer?
  3. What would your Wolf namebe if you were able to choose?
  4. Where would you live if you were a Wolf?
  5. What is your favourite sport at school?
  6. What would your friends say about you to other people?
  7. How would you describe yourself?
  8. Do you like this quiz?
  9. Do you like this quiz?
  10. What is your favourite animal?
  11. When do wolves howl?

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Quiz topic: What is my Wolf name?