What Is Your True Element? (Accurate Results)

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It is said that when we are born, our elements are already assigned to us. Our elements define who we are today, our pesonalities and our compatibilites. So where do you stand?

Nothing to say... It is said that when we are born, our elements are already assigned to us. Our elements define who we are today, our pesonalities and our compatibilites. So where do you stand?

Created by: amazon
  1. Do you know what your Zodiac sign is?
  2. Are you short tempered?
  3. Are you good in school? (Grades wise)
  4. Something goes missing in your home, and you are positive you kept it at a certain place...Your first thought is?
  5. Someone you trust and love tells you that they just saw a 3 headed dog, you...?
  6. You are at a party, and you hardly know anyone...You are likely to..
  7. Your best friend was caught stealing but the blame somehow shifted to you... What do you do?
  8. Do you sometimes feel like you have a special/supernatural ability?
  9. Someone jokingly tells you that you look like a dog. You...
  10. Rate and comment?

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Quiz topic: What Is my True Element? (Accurate Results)