What is your teen wolf name?

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Teen Wolf is a tv show on MTV. It is a action, horror, and adventure show. I made this quiz to see What you teen wolf name is. I hope,you get your favorite person.

There are only three names you could have, Derek, Scott, and Kira. There are 12 questions and the answers I hope will be what you where hoping for! Well have fun.

Created by: Teenwolf1
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What type of eyes would you have?
  2. Would you be an alpha
  3. Where wold you live?
  4. Would you be able to control your temper on a full moon?
  5. Who is your favorite teen wolf character
  6. Who would you want to be your bro/sis?
  7. What dose the first letter of your first name
  8. Who,would you date?
  9. Do you have a dog?
  10. What is your favorite movie?

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Quiz topic: What is my teen wolf name?