What is your spirit vegetable? | Comments

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  • Pea,I am small and can appear innocent but am actually quite aggressive and defensive over myself and my beliefs alot. Cool quiz anyways mate lol.

  • Imma pea! :D

  • What is your spirit vegetable?
    Your Result: Carrot 84%

    Congratulations ! You are a carrot. Although you may spend too much time indoors, your ability to listen carefully enables you to see possible outcomes and give outstanding advice. Fun fact: In the 17th century western carrots first appeared in the Netherlands. Dutch carrot growers invented the orange carrot in honor of the House of Orange, the Dutch Royal Family.


  • Result:What is your spirit vegetable?
    Your Result: Cucumber 86%

    Congratulations ! You are a cucumber. Your calm demeanor makes you popular at parties. Fun fact: The English cucumber is the largest cucumber that can grow over 2 feet long and is a ‘burpless’ cucumber. The seeds in cucumbers lead to gas in the stomach and English cucumbers are entirely seedless. Thus, they are not as embarrassing as the other varieties!

    86% Pea 86%
    48% Pumpkin 86%
    33% Tomato 86%
    19% Carrot

    Comme nt:I am a cool cucumber,cool nice quiz rate 4 stars,sorry I did not answer 2 questions do not know them but yeah cool quiz I slightly agree with my result!


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