What is Your REAL Warrior Name?

There are many names for warrior cats, as well as quizzes. But are any of them the names that suit your TRUE personality? I mean think hard now.......

THIS quiz DEFINITELY lives up to the title. It suits your personality for sure, and has options that I made up myself. So think: In just a few minutes you will discover the RIGHT wariror name for YOU!

Created by: John Lennon Lover
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It is time to play games in the nursery you say:
  2. The deputy informs the leader someone is trapped. You run out of the nursery and...
  3. You became an apprentice 2 days ago, yesterday u trained today your mentor is ill and you got the day off, You...
  4. it is your apprentice assesment, you know your score will affect your warrior ceremony, you think...
  5. After your assesment, you think of names. What prefix do you like?
  6. You leader announces the deputy, it isn't you. You think...
  7. You are now the Clan's deputy. You're first words to the Clan are...
  8. Your leader is being attacked by dogs. she/he is on their last life. When she/he is killed, you...
  9. Ok everyone, thi was my first quiz with warriors so what did you think?
  10. Thank you so much for taking this! Rate and comment?

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Quiz topic: What is my REAL Warrior Name?