What is your Patronus?

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Hi there, it's Nobody again. I hope you are ready to find out your Patronus and what it means. There are four options for a Patronus. But I'm not telling what they are.

You will have to take this quiz to find out what your Patronus is. I hope that in the future, this knowledge will come in helpful and true. See you around.

Created by: Nobody
  1. In the winter, would you rather?
  2. Do you like cats or dogs?
  3. Water or Land
  4. What is the main part of your personality?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. What's is your favorite color? (Continued)
  7. What is your favorite animal?
  8. What bed would rather you sleep in?
  9. What magical creature is your favorite?
  10. If you went to a park, where would you go first?
  11. What is your favorite subject in school?
  12. What is your favorite subject in school? (Continued)
  13. What instrument would you play?
  14. Who is your favorite character in Harry Potter?
  15. What would be your favorite class at Hogwarts?
  16. What would be your favorite class at Hogwarts? (Continued)

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Quiz topic: What is my Patronus?
