What is your own personal style?

Would you like to find out what your true sense of style is? Do you follow trends or start them? Well find out here and no matter what your personal style is, as long as you work with what you have you will always look good.

Do you like band tees or just don't really care about trends or fashion? Are you boho chic or a glamorous trend setter? Take this quiz to find out what your personal style is.

Created by: Sarah

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When getting an invite to a party what can you usually be seen in?
  2. Where do you like to shop?
  3. Who are your favorite designers?
  4. What accessories can you not leave the house without?
  5. Who are some of your celebrity fashion icons?
  6. What genre of music do you enjoy?
  7. What do you usually spend on clothes in a month?
  8. When going out with friends, what do you usually like to do?
  9. When doing your make-up what do you usually prefer to wear?
  10. How do you usually like to wear your hair?
  11. Favorite winter accessories?
  12. Favorite Summer Accessories?
  13. Last question, what is your dream job?

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Quiz topic: What is my own personal style?