what is your love life

they are a lot of people who say they would make a good couple but deep in side they know everyone would make a good couple if they found the right person

do you think you are a good partner or would make one do you have the love in your heart to give to the person of your dreams come take the test and we will see

Created by: anna

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  1. your on a blind date what do you first say
  2. a guy/girl that you know goes in for a kiss what do you do?
  3. the person you have a crush on invited you to there party
  4. the person you like smiles at you
  5. the person you like kissed your best friend
  6. you bump into the person you like
  7. you have a fight with you partner
  8. the person you like picks you first for teems
  9. the person you like says they like you
  10. the person you like says will you marry them but you have not had a relationship

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Quiz topic: What is my love life