What is Your Lightsaber Color? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is Your Lightsaber Color?

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  • The majority of the quiz was ok, but you've misunderstood the true nature of the Sith, as many do. Like the Jedi, we have a code.

    Peace is a lie, there is only passion,
    through passion, we gain strength
    through strength, we gain power,
    through power, we victory,
    through victory, our chains are broken.
    The force shall free us.

    The first line means that you should never settle for what you already have, instead you should seek put to improve yourself. By doing so, you get better at what you do. By getting better you can make a career out of it or flat-out get stronger through exercise. This empowers yourself you either physically economically or socially, possibly all. Through this new strength and empowerment, you become more free to do what you want.

    This is what it means to truly be Sith.

    Darth Thanaton
    • Amen! May the Dark Side of The Force guide your path!

      Your highness
  • I never answered the Sith were evil.

    They were not. Sith do crave power but the way they were taught to gain that power is why they seem to be bad. You can convince a Sith that killing and suffering and hatred is not what he really wants. Think of Darth Vader. He barely ever knew his son, yet when Luke was being electrocuted by Darth Sidious he stepped in. In that moment he wasnt Darth Vader anymore. He was Anakin Skywalker. In conclusion, Sith can change. They may seem bad on the outside, but what matters is how they are deep down, on the inside.

  • I got yellow! That's my favorite color!

    I like music
  • I got green. Most of the other tests I have done have said otherwise.

  • Green! Pink and white.

    Awesome description! The way you asked is also amazing! Truly! 10 stars!

  • Olala...
    Green - my old fave color.
    Awesome quiz, I rated 10.
    Rock on

  • Bruh I got green I wanted red

  • HMmm Green. Cool?

  • This was an amaaaaazing quiz! I loved it!
    I got green!!!

    Hermy Weasley
  • Olala...
    Green - my old fave color.
    Awesome quiz, I rated 10.
    Rock on

  • i got red.yeah! siths rocks.u just need to feel the pooooooower!


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