What is your life rated?

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This quiz includes 15 questions that will help determine whether your life is rated "M" for Mature, "PG13" ,"R" for Restricted, or "NR" for Not Rated.

Answer the fifteen questions to see which rating you get. Don't forget to rate and comment on the quiz afterward so that I can receive some feedback.

Created by: caritiqui
  1. Have you ever peeped in a neighbor's window?
  2. How often have you been so intoxicated from alcohol, that you did not remember much of what happened when you woke the next morning?
  3. Have you ever yelled at a waiter or waitress at a restaurant?
  4. Have you ever cheated on a significant other?
  5. Have you ever shoplifted?
  6. Which of the following are you more likely to do?
  7. Have you ever been involved in a physical altercation with a stranger?
  8. Have you ever hitchhiked?
  9. Have you ever been in a physical altercation with a family member or friend?
  10. Have you ever smoked marijuana?
  11. Have you ever been arrested?
  12. How often do you view p---ographic material?
  13. Have you ever had sex in a public place?

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Quiz topic: What is my life rated?