What is your high school status?

are you excited for high school? take this quiz to find out. are you fun nerdy or famous. answer truthfully and you will find out. lots of love to the poor souls who are excited to go to high school.

its way to hard. but if you like fried apples you are my best friend. lots of love. check out more quizzes by Ginny Weasley. love you babes and boys. see ya.

Created by: Ginny Weasley
  1. are you nerdy?
  2. are you sportsy?
  3. do you like bullying people?
  4. how do you eat?
  5. do you have lots of friends?
  6. do you like pizza? bonus!
  7. Do you like homework?
  8. are you famous?
  9. are you talented?
  10. do you like peanuts?

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Quiz topic: What is my high school status?

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