What Is Your Confidence Level?

Some people are confident and some are shyer than mice. If you know your confidence level and why you are that confident, it might help you to let other people in or be let in so you can do the right thing.

If you have a high confidence level, then you might want to give other people a chance and if you have a lower confidence level, you might try stepping up to the plate. I really do hope this helps you!

Created by: Lulu
  1. At parties I...
  2. A career I want might be...
  3. I think my confidence level is...
  4. If someone wanted me to sing for them, I would...
  5. My friends would describe me as...
  6. If someone complimented me I would...
  7. I think that my level of attractiveness is...
  8. Do you flirt?
  9. I am very ... With my feelings.
  10. I thought this quiz was...

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Quiz topic: What Is my Confidence Level?