What Is Your Clique? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Is Your Clique?

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  • Your Result: Normal (93%)

    You lead a pretty normal high school life. You get invited to all the parties and have loads of friends, but you get those invites and have those friends because you are yourself and not trying to be somebody you're not. Good on you!

    Well, there arent really cliques at my school, so I just took this quiz for fun!

  • I'm normal! great!that is so me.

  • What Is Your Clique?
    Your Result: Normal

    You lead a pretty normal high school life. You get invited to all the parties and have loads of friends, but you get those invites and have those friends because you are yourself and not trying to be somebody you're not. Good on you!

    this is so me but.....NORMAL? im wayyyy off from normal lol! the description is right but nrmal...not so sur ;D


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