What is Your Cat Clan? | Comments

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  • Riverclan,my favorite clan of them all! I find they have the most priorities. They have river barriers,more herbs, swimming techniques,fish and I do find myself dangerous in battle sense I hate being messed with. Pawsome quiz mate. I can tell u put alot of work in this.

    Riverclan 88%

    You are a swimming courageous cat with a strong heart and sharp claws. Riverclan is known for its rich prey grounds and natural swimming ability. You have a slick pelt and great muscles. Riverclan is very kind but are extremely dangerous in battle. Welcome to Riverclan, young warrior- the clan of courageousness and braveness.

    74% Thunderclan
    41% Windclan
    19% Rouge, loner, or kittypet
    16% Shadowclan


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