What is your animal are you? The Quiz | Comments

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  • i got cat, and just like the quiz said, how did i get that cause im a vegetarian

  • I got a cat. Thats totally opposite of wolf. Usuallly when I take quizes like this I get wolf. Haha....get it? Yeah bad joke.....Great quiz though!

    Take Beautiful Secrets!

  • You are a Cat!

    You are a cat. You are smart and sneaky,yet cute and cuddly! :3 That's just like me! You might or might not like cats or dogs, but you can't(obviously)go a day without meat. (If you're a vegetarian, how on EARTH did YOU get CAT?! How can you NOT eat MEAT?! I mean, seriously, I DON'T GET IT, MAN!)

    i like cats, dont get me wrong, but i would've preferred wolf. im short tempered, shy, and friendly. i guess that sounds like a cat but to me, it sounds like a wolf. i took a quiz about which position a deserve in the wolf pack and i got effin' ALPHA, MAN!!!!! YEAHH BUDDY!

  • yay im cat! i all ways get cats but its ok i love cats!!!

  • I got dog ): I wanted wolf! i loves the wolfies.

  • Somebody must have accentaly clicked on 1% cause this quiz deserves a 10


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