what horseland caractet are you

Do you want to know what horse are you? I know I do. If you take thelis quiz you will no to. I am Scarlet. So I'd you take this you can figure out what horse you are.

I also know that you want to know what horse you are.So if you take this test you will find out. Don't get mad at the results it just the cold hard truth.

Created by: Hailee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick a name!
  2. Pick a color
  3. Pick an animal
  4. Pick one
  5. Pick a house
  6. Pick a move
  7. Choose a fear
  8. Shoes a hair style
  9. Pick
  10. Do you love horses
  11. Do you love horsrse

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Quiz topic: What horseland caractet am I