What Hogwarts Elective Should You Take?

Harry Potter is my favorite book series! One thing I especially love in the book is the Hogwarts classes! I wish I could go to Hogwarts and take all the amazing classes myself!!

I made this quiz so I and other people can see what elective they would take in their third year and above!! Is it arithmancy or muggle studies? Well now is your chance to find out!! Good luck on the quiz!!

Created by: Luke
  1. Are you a very studious person?
  2. What is your favorite Hogwarts core class out of these?
  3. What is your favorite Hogwarts core class out of these?
  4. What career do you want to have after Hogwarts?
  5. What Hogwarts House are you in?
  6. Who is your favorite teacher out of these?
  7. Do you like seeing the future?
  8. Do you like math?
  9. Do you like non magic people?
  10. Do you like animals
  11. Do you like learning new languages?

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Quiz topic: What Hogwarts Elective should I Take?
