A Hogwarts Love Story! (part two)

Want to know who you will fall in love with if you went to Hogwarts? Here's your chance to find out! Will it be The Famous Harry Potter? The Herbology Obsessed Neville Longbottom? The Twins? Or Draco Malfoy? Oliver Wood? No? Maybe Ronald Weasley?

I want to thank all the other GTQ Users out there who made Hogwarts love stories, Especially one person: natuhleegayle! She posted 42 Hogwarts Love Story Quizzes, and those quizzes helped me with this new Quiz Series! Enjoy, and Natuhleegayle, i hope you come back soon! natuhleegayle's quizzes were from year 3 to 8, but i'm going to do all of them, so you guys can see how the friendships bloom!

  1. Cedric Simps, you’re in luck! I’m adding Cedric to the pool of possible suitors! also, i've added three new members to the cast of friends. Willow Ashbluff, my oc, Paxton Carlisle and Vesper Sullivan, both MTMothkey's ocs :)
  2. After everyone has been Sorted, a feast appears on the tables in front of you, and you dig in. People around you are laughing and introducing themselves. “Hello, I’m Cedric.” A boy beside you says, and you jump, since you didn’t know he was there. “Ah, hello. I’m (Y/N)” you respond, grinning. “Nice to meet you, (Y/n). you’re a first year?” Cedric asks, and you nod. “Well, what do you think of Hogwarts so far?”
  3. The feast sadly disappears, and the Prefects stand, leading the Hufflepuff house down to the wine cellar, when one knocks a special pattern into one of the barrels, and the wall slides open. “Woah…” The first years gasp. When you walk inside, you end up standing beside a girl with dark brown curly hair and glasses, and a really tall boy with ash blonde hair and two different colored eyes. “Girls dormitories up and to the left, boys on the right.” The Prefects say, and they go their separate ways. You follow the dark haired girl into the dormitory. “Oh, hello. I’m Willow Ashbluff!” She exclaims, smiling at you. “I love this giant castle, it’s amazing!” She gushes. “I’m Y/N…
  4. The next morning, you awoke to Willow shaking you violently. “Whatsahappening?” you asked groggily. “You’re going to be late!” she says as she laughs. “Oh… right.” you say, getting up and getting your uniform on and robe. Willow grabs your hand and pulls you out to the common rooms, where she meets up with the boy from last night, the one with different colored eyes. “Paxton Carlisle.” he introduces himself, and you three head up to the great hall for breakfast.
  5. after breakfast, you three headed to Transfiguration. "so, (y/n), are you pureblood, halfblood, or muggle born?" Willow asks. "i'm pureblood, but my parents went to Ilvermorny and we moved here this summer." you tell them. "from the states?" Willow asks in awe. "noice." Paxton says. "hey Paxton, race you to class." Willow says, grinning at him and breaking into a run. Paxton quickly catches up to her and sweeps her up into his arms, still running to the class.
  6. As you make your way to class, you see a professor rushing out of a teacher bathroom, wrapping his turban back around his head quickly. he looked scared, for some reason. "are you alright, Professor... Quirrell?" you ask, remembering someone point him out at the feast. Professor Snape walks out of another room to glare at Quirrell.
  7. Finally, you get to the Transfiguration Classroom. "Sorry for leaving you (y/n)." Willow says apologetically. "you're fine." you brush it off with a laugh. you notice a cat sitting on the Professor's desk. in the blink of an eye, it transforms into Professor McGonagall.
  8. "today we will learn how to change a match to a needle." Professor McGonagall says. "to do the spell, flick your wand at the match and say 'Acusignis.'" you pull out your wand, flicking it at the match and saying the incantation repeatedly. after what seems like a hundred tries, the match turns a silver color. at the end of class, all you had accomplished was getting the red part of the match to disappear and change the color.
  9. next class: Herbology. the plant loving side of you jumps for joy. sadly, you, Willow, and Paxton don't have the same next class, so you part ways. "around the table, around the table!" Professor Sprout says cheerily. she points to you. "you. name a plant and its use." she says. you look around for a second in confusion, then take a breath and look at her. "Mandrake. used to cure petrification."
  10. Finally. took me months to do this. i'm sorry :'). i'll try to keep on the third one!

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