What High School Musical Character Are You? | Comments

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  • Troy

    Troy Bolton is the leading man of the High Schhool Musical trilogy and the boyfriend to Gabriella Montez. You are a postive person and a basketball maniac. You have a very positive view for your feature.

    I'm not a fan of sports, but I can see we have the same personalities. Weirdly enough though, I've never had a crush on Zac Efron yet I love the franchise and songs... go figure. I wouldn't date anyone like Gabriella though, she's nice and all but... she's so whiny. Don't say it's because she's nervous and she's new at school. She's moved to tons of schools so she would be used to being the new kid. Heck I moved to new schools ALL the time and I loved being the new kid (yeah weird but true I love new things so... yeah) Well I'm kind of rambling here, but yeah I'd probably be Troy if I were a HSM character.

    Missy Prissy Cat

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