What Harry Potter Hogwarts House Are You In

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There are many houses but one holds a very special person,you do you have the courage,smartness,kindness,or are you envy of everything take this quiz to find out.

Are you a Griffendor do you have courage to growl like a lion or are you a ravenclaw with the smartness like a calculator or are you kind and sweet like a hufflepuff or are you mean envy and cruel like a sytherin if only you could find out. WAIT take this quiz and find out.

Created by: Kayley
  1. You see someone crying over a test what do you do
  2. Someone is having the joy of their life what do you do
  3. You see your friend exploring the castle halls what do you do
  4. You have a math test you get a
  5. Who's your fav teacher
  6. You have a free period what do you do
  7. You get to make a new HP friend who is it
  8. Are you
  9. What person
  10. What house do you want to be in

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Quiz topic: What Harry Potter Hogwarts House am I In