What hanging wedgie should you get at school? (Guys only)

This quiz is the ultimate test of telling you what hanging wedgie you deserve. You can get a locker wedgie, a tree wedgie, or even a flagpole wedgie! It depends how nerdy you are.

Will you get away unscathed, or will you become the new laughingstock of the school? It depends on the result! Don't forget to post your experience after taking this quiz!

Created by: WedgieGuy
  1. What grade are you?
  2. What underwear do you wear?
  3. How often do you get wedgies?
  4. How do you feel about getting wedgies?
  5. Have you received a hanging wedgie before?
  6. What's the longest time you've been stuck in a hanging wedgie?
  7. What's the most embarrassing place you've hung from?
  8. What's your reputation in school?
  9. What's your favorite subject?
  10. What do you usually wear to school?
  11. Do you skip school a lot?
  12. What after-school club do you go to the most?
  13. How do you unwind after school?
  14. How popular are you on social media?

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Quiz topic: What hanging wedgie should I get at school? (Guys only)

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