What Greek God is your parent?

Long ago the ancient greeks believed that the god ruled the world. There was Apollo, who drove the sun chariot. Hades, king if the Underworld, and Ares, brave god of war. The children of these were demigods.

Do you think your a demigod? Take this quiz to find out which male god is your dad, and find out your potential powers as a brave demigod. The answer is just a few clicks away!

Created by: ArtemisHunter
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your fave of these?
  2. What is your fave animal?
  3. Are you calm or powerful by water?
  4. Are you nice?
  5. Di you like music and stuff?
  6. Is this boring?
  7. Which do you want!
  8. Are you adhd?
  9. Are you dislexic?
  10. What color are you're eyes? Pick most realistic one
  11. Done!

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Quiz topic: What Greek God is my parent?