What Grade Will You Most Likely Get

Are you ready to see the grade you deserve, Well come on and take my quiz, It determines your habits, academic grades, and so much more. So come and take my quiz

Do you want to get an F,D,C,B,A or kill the A and suceed A of SchoolMan, and graduate school forever, Well come and take my quiz where cool kids play.

Created by: Brady of What grade will you most likley get
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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Grades do you often get
  2. How many tardies have you got in a school year
  3. How do you feel at school
  4. Do you eat breakfast before school,[If not all the time, choose 2-6]
  5. what type of school do you go to.
  6. What age range are you in
  7. how many hours of sleep do you get a day?
  8. How many absences do you get a year
  9. What was the lowest grade you have got
  10. What time do you go to sleep at
  11. DO you go out on school nights?
  12. Are you looking forward for next year

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Quiz topic: What Grade will I Most Likely Get