What food are you?

This quiz is VERY accurate and some questions maybe annoying but give me a chance, this is my very first quiz and it tells you what food are you. Please comment and rate but sorry you can't email me because of my stupid slow internet connection. ENJOY.

Now this quiz is a bit like a game. Can you get the result Pizza, if you do get pizza then you won the game. Don't take it seriously that there could be some annoying questions but that is just beginners bad luck of a quiz. ENJOY.

Created by: THE FOOD NINJA
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. -aims gun at you- wassup, hey tell me your favourite colour..and don't you dare try to attack me.
  2. What do you most like to smell?(does not count your butt)
  3. Do you believe in Aliens..why?..BECAUSE THEY DAMN RIGHT EXIST.
  4. Which of these are making you hungry?
  5. Do you want to be my friend? (does not count to your result)
  6. Do you think you'll get your favourite food as a result?
  7. Which of these do you want to be when you grow up. (if you ARE a grown up and none of those are what you are or wish to be then just choose 'other')
  8. Do you think I have the rights to become a butterfly? (definitely affects your result)
  9. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like this quiz? (does not affect your result)
  10. Why did you take this quiz?
  11. Who do you like between Jacksepticeye,Pewdiepie, Markiplier?(if you don't know them then just pick other or IDK)
  12. Last question is the next one after this.
  13. Should I make more quizzes after this?

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Quiz topic: What food am I?