What fear are you likely to develop?

This little test is to see if you have a phobia or fear that you might not know you had, or to solidify any doubts you had about what scares you most!

Do you know what scares you the most? Maybe you haven't thought about it until now. Do you want to find out? Take the quiz and find out for yourself! There's only 20 questions, so have a go! This is my first ever quiz, so I hope you like it.

Created by: thealternativedrug
  1. You wake up in the middle of the night an hear a sound. What would you be the MOST afraid of hearing?
  2. You go into a store and notice that the next elevator is quite packed. You need to get to the 5th floor. What do you do?
  3. You are asked by a friend to help out with a small task. I the small attic, there is a box labelled "TOYS" that he needs you to go up and bring back down. Your first thoughts?
  4. You hear your neighbour ask for medical help in her garden. She is in pain and you call for an ambulance immediately. On further inspection, you might be able to help her in the meantime. What do you see?
  5. You and your friends are playing truth or dare. You say dare. What one of these would you be most likely to refuse?
  6. You and a friend are going to see a circus for your birthday. What act scares you the most?
  7. You are wrongly accused of being a spy. There is only one option - being buried alive. You are blindfolded and put into a box. What is the first thought in your head?
  8. You are in a dark room and you can make out a table with objects on it. What do you pick up first?
  9. A virus has broken out that causes people to become susceptible to nosebleeds, coughing blood and eventually dying. What are you most afraid of?
  10. Your family have taken you abroad for a holiday. What is the one item you can't leave behind?
  11. You get a tarot reading done just for the heck of it, but a card is drawn and the reader looks concerned. What card is she looking at?
  12. Pick one name that you feel you wouldn't be allies with.
  13. Choose your LEAST favourite colour from this list.
  14. You are visiting a new city and they have a variety of galleries and museums. What place sounds the least inviting?
  15. What was/is your favourite subject out of those listed below?
  16. Artistic or not, you get a piece of paper and draw the first thing that comes into your head. You've been anxious/upset and feel like it might help you calm down - what do you draw?
  17. Out of these comic book super-villains, what one do you see as strongest?
  18. Last question. You have a nightmare and you can only remember one detail, but it is so vivid, you need to put a light on and watch TV for a bit. What was the moment you CAN remember?

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Quiz topic: What fear am I likely to develop?