What ethnicity of guy should I date?

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Figure out which nationality you would get along with best as a future partner. Answer the questions below as honestly as you can to find the best results!

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, I did my best in the amount of time I took to put this together and much research was done to make the quiz as real as possible.

Created by: Jazzy D
  1. How tall do you like your men?
  2. What color would his hair be?
  3. What type of house decor do you like?
  4. What is your favorite type of food?
  5. What qualities do you look for in a man?
  6. How would he propose to you?
  7. What age would you get married?
  8. What would their facial hair be like?
  9. What animal would he have?
  10. Where would your wedding be?
  11. What kind of clothing would he wear at home?
  12. What is your perfect date with him?
  13. What gift would he get you?
  14. What weather do you like best?

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