What egyption yugioh god are you

There is quite a few yugioh fans in the world. But if you are one find out what legendary being you are bla bla bla bla take this quiz or suffer the consequences.

It takes like maybe two minutes at the most bla bla bla bladity bla bla take this and find stuff out or face very dire consequences of baraka and his blades

Created by: LegitSupernova
  1. Friends are...
  2. You wish you could be a...
  3. Do you like yugioh?
  4. What is your favorite Egyptian god card
  5. I like...
  6. Which card do you have?
  7. What is your fav color?
  8. Would you be willing to take a few punches to win.
  9. Jdjejdhdj
  10. Where do you feel most powerful?

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Quiz topic: What egyption yugioh god am I You can find more quizzes like this one in our Yu-Gi-Oh Quiz category.