how pro are you at using yugioh cards

yugioh zexal ii episode 2 dubbed the world. I use its ability now I can special summon Claws from my hand. ( Attack defence ) now I use the spell Continuous Major power! I I'm being so stupid

I'm gonna go up. I'm sure that the new year to the pharaoh the same. The ranks of a sudden. .I use my special card. Booth of us are in a clan long as the most how stupid

Created by: Yugimon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You have hand and your opponent is likely to win what do you do? You have Kuribo on your feild and have multiply in your hand
  2. You have 4 face downs on your feild your opponent attack with 4 powerful monsters your traps are mirror force, book of moon, negate attack, the spirit attraction
  3. A guy comes and challenge you to a duel if you win you get to have all XYZ monsters and rank up magic barian force but his the number 1 duelist if you lose you lose your whole deck and you won't duel again
  4. You have stardust dragon on your feild and another tuner monster and normol and if you synchro summon you can kill his life points but he has face downs
  5. I challenged you to a duel I have chaos number 96 on my feild you have blue eyes white dragon on yours what do you do?
  6. Hi
  7. I ran out of questions
  8. .....
  9. Yugioh which one you think best duelist in main characters
  10. I wish I finished this quiz plz say yes

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Quiz topic: How pro am I at using yugioh cards