what does pink say about you?

pink can say alot about you do you have what it takes to be a pink lady or are you going to be emo for the rest of your life. i am a true pink lady and believe everyone is!

do you have what it takes to be one of me well take my quiz and find out. this oppertunity only comes once in a pink moon! (i changed it because theres pink everywhere) even if you do hate the colour and are emo all the way!

Created by: becky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your faveroute shade of pink?
  2. what is your faveroute candy?
  3. whos your faveroute character?
  4. your buy a new lip gloss, wot colour?
  5. you go on a nite out what color is are your beads?
  6. when you get married wot colour are your balloons?
  7. whats your faveroute animal
  8. what is your faveroute colour
  9. on a night out do u:
  10. if you dnt like pink why did you take this quiz

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