What do I need for my Skin & Metabolism,

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Experts say there is definitely a place for vitamin or mineral supplements in our diets, but their primary function is to fill in small nutrient gaps. They are " supplements" intended to add to your diet

...................................................................................... Thank you so much for taking the quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!! May you live a long and health prosperous life!!!

Created by: marissa of auroratherapeutics.com/
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Many times do you eat in a day ?
  2. What type of Proteins do you mostly eat daily?
  3. How many times a week do you workout ?
  4. Do you fall asleep easily?
  5. do you have stress in your life?
  6. How many time a week do you eat junk food?
  7. Do you get your daily sun dosage
  8. how often do you smoke?
  9. how many days of the week do you eat veggies?
  10. How many time a week do you take in caffeine?

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