What Craziest Cats character are you.

Do you love Craziest Cats? Do you want to be one of the characters? Well then this is the quiz for you. In this quiz you can get Tetcha, Myron, Matcha...

Spot, Minty, Zino, Mondi or even the godess Freedom.Good luck and I hope you get what you want. Also sorry I didn't put in pictures and sorry it's so short.

Created by: PrideWolf666
  1. What is your gender?
  2. What is your hair colour (or closest if yours isn't here).
  3. Why are you taking this quiz (no effect).
  4. What s your favorite animated show?
  5. What is your favorite colour?
  6. The end sorry I'm lazy it's short.
  7. The end.
  8. The end!
  9. The end!!
  10. THE END!!!

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Quiz topic: What Craziest Cats character am I.

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