What warrior are you?**

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Hi my name is Tara, And I am 10 years old, my birthday is soon to come, right after Christmas. I like warrior cats cause I love cats, I have two cats named mickey and Leah. Mickey is fat, Leah is skinny

I am the smallest on in my family, I have dirty blond hair, and I always have to have glasses cause I am like, nose to screen, And I love to be on a computer.

Created by: Tara Prestel
  1. What name would you have?
  2. What game would you play?
  3. You become an apprentice, what mentor would you have?
  4. A fox attacks camp the same night you were made apprentice, What attack would you use?
  5. You are practicing battle moves, you mentor takes you down, what would you do?
  6. You final complete your training and be come a warrior, what name would you have?
  7. What would you do after you be come a warrior?
  8. You see a cute cat eating, What would you do?
  9. You become a mate ,or don't have a mate, and have kits. What would you do?
  10. What would you do if your kitts died?

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Quiz topic: What warrior am I?**
