What Color Are You?

i think yall have the will to continue this game and are now called eitehr the blue,red,yellow,or green team good luck with theses challenges coming ahead let the power be with you!

i am so bored i dont know why but it has to be 150 letters and yeah so i wish the best of luck to you guys and remember only 4 will make it to the finals

Created by: Tommy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite pasttime?
  2. What role do you play in your group of friends?
  3. What is your job? What do you want to be?
  4. When You are mad you
  5. How do you act in school?
  6. if you picked one team to be on what will it be?
  7. What type of person are you
  8. When your traveling what do you always bring
  9. Do you have the will power to play this game
  10. Which roman god/godesses are your faves?

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Quiz topic: What Color am I?