What cocktail are you?

There are many cocktails out there to chose from when having a night out. They all have their differences, some are tangy, some sweet, some sour, and some will always burn you just a little!

Which cocktail best suites YOU? Take this quiz to find out which cocktail you are most compatable with, and what your drink might be saying about you!

Created by: amazon

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. In your group of friends you are best known for...
  2. Your idea of a perfect date would be...
  3. Your favorite color is closest to ...
  4. To you, marriage is...
  5. Your favorite animal is...
  6. If you won one million dollars, you would...
  7. If you had a baby girl, and had to choose between these four names, you would chose...
  8. Which outfit would be most likely to be seen in on a night out?
  9. Your ideal honeymoon is...
  10. The city whose night life would best suit you...
  11. Which of the following celebrities is your favorite?
  12. Which of the following words is most appealing to you?
  13. Your favorite dinner would be...
  14. Your favorite subject in school was...
  15. Which of the following PCD songs is the best soundtrack to your life?
  16. Which Barbie are you most likely to be?
  17. Which of these would you prefer to take a shot of?
  18. Your favorite number is...

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Quiz topic: What cocktail am I?