Could you survive your first date? ( GIRLS ONLY! )

IMPORTANT INFORMATION!!! Your boyfriends name is Justin, he has black hair, and blue eyes. His personality is nice, sweet, on-time person, romantic, kind, etc.

He's also a football player. Now, your dress for the RP part "” a short violet dress with chiffon on the end, and glitter by the chiffon. You also have some silver bracelets, and lavender eye shadow, bright red lipstick, mascara...

Created by: Beautiful123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First of all, read the top two paragraphs. You'll get your important information.
  2. First, I need your looks. Hair color?
  3. How do you wear your hair on your date?
  4. Eye color?
  5. Ok...RP time!
  6. You first arrive at the restaurant in your car. Your REALLY uncomfortable in your dress...what do you feel like doing?
  7. You walk into the restaurant, Justin sees you, and he waves. You smile and wave back, and walk over to him. You...
  8. The dumb menu is right in front of you. You sigh, and try to lay down on your chair. A nerd walks up to your table. You...
  9. The nerd sits with you. You get on your phone to play a game to distract you from that nerd, but he scoots his face by your. Yu slowly try to scare him away, but you...
  10. The nerd runs away, and Justin stares at you and him. You open your menu, and Yu order...
  11. A dumb waiter with a mustache orders your salad/ hamburger/pizza. He leaves. Justin was staring at you romantically. You think he was going to fall REALLY in love with you, but...
  12. He suddenly stops what you answered in the previous question. The waiter comes back with your food, and stuff. Justin is stuck staring and staring at you. You...
  13. Justin looks at his watch, and it's almost 8:00. He says bye, and he kisses you on the cheek. He exits the restaurant, and keeps looking back at you. You...
  14. RP over. Did you feel it?

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Quiz topic: Could you survive my first date? ( GIRLS ONLY! ) You can find more quizzes like this one in our Dating Quiz category.