what clique are you!?!?

there are many ''cool'' people but some of them are prep's the coolest of all are you one? do you want to find out ? if you do it only takes a few minutes. if you dont them u must be a geek !

are you a prep? Do you love the color pink? do you love the mall? until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this quiz you could find out. And it only takes a few moments!

Created by: Veronica Raup of myspace
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when you are at lunch how many people sit at your table
  2. what do most of your friends wear?
  3. what do you and your friends talk about usually?
  4. are your friend's hair greassy?
  5. what kind of music so you and your friends listen to ?
  6. when you are in class are you shy?
  7. do you get in trouble often in school?
  8. what colors r ur room?
  9. what color underwear are you wearing right now
  10. do u wash your hands when u go to the bathroom?

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Quiz topic: What clique am I!?!?