What clan are you in, and what cat are you? | Comments

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  • Bluestar,she is one of my favorites. She is very loyal,brave,smart,courageous and outgoing. I find myself having most of those attributes as well. I do like Graystripe though the most. Pawsome quiz mate.

    You are in Thunder clan, you are bluestar. 81%

    You are fierce and brave.Your coat is blueish,grayish.You are very talented and are always up for challenge.You are also very loyal to your clan,and will risk your life to save it. Therefor,you turned out to become the Thunderclan leader.

    78% You are in Thunder clan, you are firestar

    76% You are in Thunder clan, you are spottedleaf.

    73% You are in Thunder clan, you are graypaw.

    73% You are in thunderclan, you are lionheart.

    43% Your in Thunderclan,and Shadowclan,your Tigerstar.

    36% You are in Shadow clan, and you are Blackfoot.

    28% You are in Shadow clan, and you are Brokenstar


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