what character are you? Hermione, Harry, or Ron!

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the first two questions DO NOT MATTER!they came with the quiz. This quiz is about harry potter.


Created by: grace of ginnypearl.webnode.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If a tragedy occurred to a freind you would......
  2. in school if you get an F you would....
  3. in school you are..
  4. if there was a boggart what would it be?
  5. your fav. activity is........
  6. what would you do if you saw a house elf being mistreated?
  7. where is your favorite place
  8. if your teacher yelled at you.....
  9. if a class was canceled you would use the spare time to....
  10. what Hogwarts house would you be in?

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Quiz topic: What character am I? Hermione, Harry, or Ron!