What cat breed do you have?

Have you ever wondered what type/breed of cat is your cat? This is the quiz is the answer! Instead of spending your money, you can just visit this quiz!

What should I write here? Oh. Try this quiz once you are done with this quiz. It is What Kind of Cat Do You Have, by Modern Cat. Thank you so much for visiting this quiz.

Created by: CRAZYCATLADY123
  1. When you come home from work, where is your cat?
  2. It's Dinner Time! What is your cat doing?
  3. What is your cats idea of the best day ever?
  4. What is your cat doing when you're watching tv?
  5. What is your cat doing when you're sleeping?
  6. It's bath time for your cat, what does your cat do?
  7. It's your cat's first time outside, what does it do?
  8. You get your cat a new toy, how does it react?
  9. You give your cat a collar, how does it react?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What cat breed do I have?
